Disguise not hide!

clothing for your extra comfort kgs.

Coming out of the winter months can have us feeling unsure of our bodies, especially if we have added a few extra comfort kgs!

We need to be really careful about how we emotionally treat ourselves through this time and clear the need to hide ourselves. Clothing is often used to hide our bodies and usually in clothing that is way too big.

Here are some tips on how to disguise rather than hide

1. Underwear

All good homes start with a foundation and it is no different with your body. If you have ill fitting underwear it will cause so many extra lumps and bumps so make sure you have underwear that makes you feel good, smooths out tummys and lifts bums and boobs.

2. Colour

All black isn't always the answer. Can it help you feel like it's better, sure. But essentially it can turn you into a big dark rectangle with litte or no shape. Not to mention being dressed in dark colours is a bit of a mood killer. Try out some of your favourite colours.

3. Tailored

Something tailored far out weighs anything big and bulky. It's also a great way to draw attention to your waist. Even if you don't think you have one a great tailored pant can make you look slimmer and taller while an incredible jacket can give you shape.

4. oversized vs bigger sizes

Oversized is a style and it can work really nicely to accentuate your good bits. Oversized is different to a bigger size because it will usually still have shape depending obviously on the fabric and garment, but generally it holds it's form.

For instance, If you have a nice oversized top it will still fit arms and neckline as it's supposed to. Should you buy a jumper you like but go bigger in its size then everything will get bigger including shape. Make sense?

5. statement piece

Just like colour, a beautiful statement piece will jazz up your outfit, bring some life and make you feel great. It also distracts from areas you don't want to draw all the attention. Think big earrings or gorgeous necklace. It's ok to go bigger here!

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